Alberta PNP Draw: Latest CRS score cut-off set at 300

By Scarlett Wilson [Published 23 Jun, 2021 | 04:20 AM] 1871
Alberta PNP Draw: Latest CRS score cut-off set at 300

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) invited 184 Express entry candidates in the latest provincial draw held on June 22 to apply for a provincial nomination for Canada PR Visa.

To be invited, applicants had to have a profile in the Express Entry System with a score of at least 300. This is the second time this month that the province has issued invitations with the same minimum score requirement. The previous draw took place on June 5.

Since Alberta resumed their invitations in January 2021, they have invited 2,284 express entry candidates to apply for provincial nomination.

In addition to not issuing invitations for several months of the pandemic, the province was also only inviting applicants who were already in the province to apply. An Alberta government spokesperson confirmed that the AINP has now removed the temporary criteria adjustments made to Alberta's Express Entry stream amid the coronavirus pandemic.

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"In addition to applicants living and working in Alberta, applicants may be screened and nominated if they have a job offer in Alberta or have experience in a trade that will contribute to the economic development and diversification of our province. Joseph Dow, press secretary for the Minister of Labor and Immigration wrote in an email.

Immigration continues to be a central component of Alberta's economic and social development, particularly as we recover from the pandemic and the global recession. The Government of Alberta recognizes the importance of attracting skilled and talented professionals to support job creation and grow the economy of Alberta.

Alberta has been given a total of 6,250 provincial allocations in 2021. Not all people invited to apply will receive a provincial nomination, just as not all people who receive a nomination will be granted permanent residence. It depends on whether the submitted applications are complete and the applicants meet the eligibility criteria throughout the various stages of the application process.

The province is not required to issue its share of nominations for any given year.

Minimum requirements for Alberta PNP

To be eligible for provincial nomination through the Alberta Express Entry stream, you must have work experience in an eligible occupation. Alberta releases a list of occupations that are not eligible for the stream instead of providing a list of eligible occupations. Some of the occupations that can apply under this category include Transport truck, cooks, driver, food service supervisor, etc.

You have to submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) through an express entry profile to show your intention of moving to Alberta. Some of the factors that help to increase your chances of getting a provincial nomination from Alberta include a job offer in Alberta or work experience. A Canadian education also helps. It also helps your application if you have a parent, child, or sibling who is a permanent resident or a citizen of Alberta.

Alberta PNP is specifically designed to support the province's diversification priorities and economic development.

Tags: Alberta alberta draw Alberta Express Entry Alberta Immigrant Alberta immigrant nominee program Alberta immigration Alberta PNP immigrate to alberta PNP PNP Draw provincial nominee program


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